With us, you can cancel mail order purchases within 14 days of receiving the item. *For Christmas presents bought in December, exchange/open purchase always applies until January 30.

*Some special products do not have the right of exchange/open purchase, in those cases it is stated in the product's description in the online store. Our more expensive replicas and collectibles come with a seal on the packaging. If this seal is broken, open purchase does not apply. We do this so that our customers will receive products in impeccable condition.

Goods returns are made with a DHL return slip: returns to us are made with a return slip you receive from us. Email info@fritidochprylar.se and write your order number and that it concerns an exchange or purchase cancellation. When we have received the item in return and have been able to ascertain that it is not damaged, we will credit or refund what you paid for the item. Attach a copy of the invoice.

Returned goods must be unused.